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Writer's pictureElle Western

Bex & Ella's incredible against all odds birth story.

Bex is one of the strongest and most positive birthers I've EVER met and this is reflected so well in her birth story. It's been an incredible journey so far and I am so proud of both Bex & Ella at how well they're adapting to everything that's thrown at them. When we discovered at our 20 week scan that Ella had a rare condition called amniotic band syndrome all thoughts of a birth plan went out the window, all we were focused on was doing the right thing to bring our little girl safely into this world. It wasn’t until I met Elle and started her pregnancy yoga classes that I realised there were still loads of things I could do to impact and help my birth experience. Attending her classes each week not only gave me knowledge, it gave me some much needed me time and allowed me to meet other mummies who are now firm friends. Oh and the baked goods at the end were also worth it. After Ellas diagnosis we were extremely well looked after by everyone in the NHS we came in contact with, we were scanned at Southampton’s Fetal medicine unit every 2 weeks to keep an eye on how Ella was doing, due to the ABS being around both the tops of her thighs we were told that there was a high possibility that Ella would have to have both her legs amputated shortly after birth. Due to this as we progressed through the pregnancy we discussed our birth options and the possibility of inductions and C sections depending on how the scans went. Ellas due date was 2nd September and it was decided that we would be induced on August 26th (39 weeks). My waters broke early on a Monday morning at 36 weeks, after a phone call to Southampton we jumped in the car and headed to the hospital. I was in the early stages of labour and after a scan showing Ella was still quite content where she was we decided to wait for 24 hours to see if my body would start things itself, with an induction booked for 10am the next morning. Due to Ellas diagnosis I was admitted to a ward to wait it out, Remembering what I’d learnt in Elle’s classes instead of sitting in the hospital bed I opted to stay mobile, we walked thousands of steps around the hospital grounds in the sunshine, went for lunch and generally tried to create a calm and positive atmosphere to encourage all the oxytocin. Knowing I wanted to breast feed and that if I hand expressed colostrum it might also help my labour along I spent that evening expressing. By the next morning with no sign of our little lady being in a hurry to make an appearance we waited to head down to the labour ward. Due to a few emergencies we didn’t end up being moved down there till nearly 9pm that night so again we spent the day being mobile, walking and enjoying the sunshine. I also practiced some of my breathing techniques Elle had taught us in yoga. Once in our room on the labour ward I asked for an exercise ball so I could get bouncing to encourage Ella to move further down and Phil unpacked some things from our bags ready to support me during labour. I sat and bounced and breathed through some contractions that were now starting into the early hours of Wednesday morning. After observations it was decided that my back waters would be broken and the oxytocin drip would be started at 6:30am. I continued to sit on the exercise ball using all the moves I’d learnt. Not long after the drip started my body decided that actually it didn’t need it and started contracting itself as well so I was soon having back to back contractions and we had to turn the drip off to try and give me a break. At this point I was on gas and air which I started around 8:30am but soon decided that id like an epidural. I went from 2cm to 9 and a half in no time at all and it was soon time to start pushing. I was told that as Ellas heart rate had started dipping if after pushing for a period of time things weren’t progressing that I may need to head to theatre, with determination and all my breathing techniques At 12:44 with a bit of assistance our beautiful daughter Ella arrived and we were a family.

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