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Georgie & Mabel's Positive Homebirth Story

A wonderfully positive first time parents homebirth story where all the stars aligned! The power of a supportive birth partner and being confident that baby will come when Mum & baby are ready really shows!

On my Due date (Thursday 19th Aug) we moved into our new home that my husband and the team had been working on for the last 8 weeks to get it ready for the arrival of our baby! Friday we unpacked and got settled in some friends came round so they helped get the nursery ready, that evening we had a take away and went to bed, in the night I started to have a tight feeling in my back and thought ooo I wonder if this is the start but please let Brad have a whole night sleep/bit of a lie in. In the morning of Saturday 21st Aug at 8.30am I was led in bed and I heard a pop in my stomach my waters broke so I just went to the loo sorted my self out, Brad shouted for a cup of tea so when I replied my waters had broke he got very excited…. We still had a lorry load of stuff to collect from the farm so we basically just carried on our day I drove the lorry to the farm, while having contractions which were all in my back so at the time I just thought it would some when come round to my stomach but they never did. Loaded the lorry came back to the house and unloaded it all, then realised we had no food so went shopping by this point they were getting closer together so I started my breathing while leaning over the trolley. Got home Brad forced me to eat a sandwich for energy and after that I called the doulas to come by this point it was 3pm then took myself to bed and popped my headphones on listening to Music and breathing, Jane arrived at 4pm and came upstairs to see how I was doing, Brad in the mean time was setting up the pool, they were definitely getting closer together and so it was time to call the midwife, I then had a shower which was lovely even washed my hair Brad was there for me to lean on when a contraction came. I then went back to bed and Libby (the midwife) arrived 5.30pm she examined me and I was 8-9cm dilated woohoo so I got into the pool which was lovely I found I just wanted to stay in one position leaning over the pool with brad by my side breathing through each one. Unfortunately the pool slowed things down so I got out, walked up and down the stairs a bit, used the yoga ball

drank lots of water, then my body was ready to start pushing this bit did take a while as I was pushing for two hours so they had to call the ambulance but there was no way I was getting in there so I pushed as hard as I could, breathing while the contractions built up inside and then pushed with a long breath out. Typical I was lead on the sofa on my back…. But at 23.23 (23 is our lucky number) Mabel Frances Hine-Roberts was born it was truly amazing to be at home with my husband by my side and the dogs. Had lots of skin to skin before we all headed to bed for a good rest. I had a 2 degree tear which didn’t need stitches, my placenta shortly followed which I then had a bit put into a smoothie and the rest sent off for tablets and creams. I can’t thank Elle enough for the yoga and birth tool kit to help me feel/know what’s going on through my whole labour. Not at anyone point did I feel a cared or said I can’t do this and that was definitely all up to her.

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