One of the most important things I teach in Hypnobirthing is how to navigate different birthing paths which is something so well demonstrated here by Michaela & Aaron for the safe and positive arrival of Noah.
On Saturday September 11th my waters broke whilst I was in bed. It wasn by’t just a trickle like my midwife had promised. It was a dramatic, flooded my bathroom floor, something from a movie kind of waters breaking. So believe me when I say it can happen like in the movies! We called the maternity unit to let them know, and they asked how I felt and if I had a temperature. I felt great - ready to get all my oxytocin flowing naturally, ready for my contractions to start! I opted to stay at home for the time being and was advised to call back in the morning with an update. Me and my partner remained positive, called my mum to come over and look after our doggo as we were CONVINCED my contractions would start. By Sunday morning nothing had happened, but we wasn’t deflated at all. I had to call the hospital every 4 hours with an update so they could monitor any progress. By 5pm on Sunday, I had had ONE contraction. The hospital advised me to come in so they could check all was well and if I had dilated at all, which we was more than happy to do. When we got there, they confirmed that, yes my waters had broken and we all had a good laugh at how dramatic it was! The midwife was great and we spoke about how we wanted to do hypnobirthing. She knew about this method and respected our wishes. She explained everything to us and let us make a decision. We opted to go for the pessary induction on the Monday as it would be nearing 48 hours with only one, measly contraction. Still, we remained positive! Monday morning came and still nothing - we headed to the hospital for the pessary. I bounced on the birthing ball, listened to relaxing music and remained positive that it would work. Monday afternoon came and still nothing… our next option was to have the artificial oxytocin. We wasn’t the biggest of fans but opted for it, convinced we wouldn’t need the full 14 hour course. I had the same midwife that saw me the evening before which was amazing, and I loved the continuity of it. We spoke about all possibilities, and we knew if this didn’t work then a Caesarian would be the final option. I opted to not have the epidural, and wanted to try the wonderful breathing techniques I had learnt. We were happy with this, as we knew we was doing everything we could. We filled the room with fairy lights, smooth radio, positivity and laughter to kick start the contractions. Sadly 11.5 hours into the hormone drip - 1 paracetamol (I tried the breathing techniques for 6 HOURS), gas and air and 2 failed epidurals I was only 3cm dilated. We were nearing 60 hours since my waters had broken and me and my partner made the decision to have the Caesarian. My contractions were back to back unbearable, and baby was not impressed. The midwife and theatre team were so amazing and helped us to remain positive throughout. The explained everything that was about to happen, and worked with me and my body to ensure everything went smoothly. On Tuesday 14th September at 7:18am, our baby boy, Noah, was born safe and healthy via C-Section weighing 6lbs 7oz. We felt empowered and in control throughout the whole process. This definitely wasn’t the lovely, natural, drug free water birth we had planned but it just goes to show us that our babies and bodies have different plans sometimes and that’s ok.